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Green Olives

Sicilian style "cunzate" olives

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Marinating time: 2 hours

Ingredients for 4 servings:
300 grams pickled green olives
5 leaves fresh mint or a pinch of marjoram
A sprig of rosemary
One red pepper ("diavolicchio") cut into pieces
4 garlic cloves
One tablespoon olive oil


Wash, dry and pit the olives. Slightly crush them with a meat pounder. Slightly crush the garlic cloves, leaving the pieces attached to the stem. Wash the mint leaves and the rosemary sprig and keep only the leaves of the latter.

Place everything in a salad bowl (or in a Tupperware box with cover) with the marjoram, the red pepper, salt and oil. Mix and allow to stand for about two hours, then remove the garlic and place the olives in a serving bowl, eliminating the excess oil (it can be used to dress a raw fennel salad, for example). Serve cold but not fridge cold.

"Cunzate" (namely dressed) olives are a tasty traditional dish which in Sicily are also sold at fairs and in popular quarters.


French style stuffed olives

Preparation time: 1 hours
Marinating time: 2 hours

Ingredients for 4 servings::
300 grams giant pickled green olives, drained
70 grams anchovy fillets
100 grams butter


With the pitting tool, pit the olives so that each one can be stuffed. Then prepare the anchovy butter by whisking 4 anchovies with the butter. Place the mixture in a kitchen syringe and fill each olive by 3/4ths.

Close each olive with a small piece of anchovy.

If the room temperature is very high, place the olives in their serving dish (or tray) in the fridge until it is time to serve them.


Pitted olives in oil

Water soaking time: 10 days
Preparation time: 20 minutes

One kg large fresh green olives
4 garlic cloves, cut into small pieces
One fresh red pepper, cut into small pieces
One tablespoon vinegar
One tablespoon marjoram
Abundant oil


Pit the olives which should be fairly large. Place them in a large bowl, cover them with cold water and allow to steep for about ten days, changing the water two or three times a day. Drain them thoroughly and pinch them slightly one by one between your fingers so as to crush them a bit.

Allow the olives to dry on a clean cloth and then place them by layers in glass jars, alternating each layer with chopped garlic and pepper, marjoram, salt and a sprinkle of vinegar.

Press the olives well into the jars using a ladle or a wooden pestle, eliminating the resulting liquid. Cover them with olive oil before sealing the jars.

It is important to store these olives in a fresh place, but not in the fridge. As with all home-preserved vegetables, keep an eye on them, especially during the days in which they are steeped in water, to prevent mould from forming.


Our green olives
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Copyright 1998-2003
Stella Alimentari

Foods Import Since 1935
Via Ticino 54
20098 San Giuliano Mil. Italy
Ph. + 39.02.98284304
Fax + 39.02.9881001